Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Review: SNP Prep Peptaronic & SNP Mini

Hai, semuanya! Aku balik lagi dengan review skincare. Kali ini ada review skincare dari SNP. Aku udah ga asing sih, sama brand ini karena pernah coba Bird Nest Sheet Mask-nya dan ada review-nya di Youtube aku.

Hi guys! I'm back with another skincare review. On this post, I will review a skincare line called SNP. I already familiar with this brand because I have tried the Bird Nest Sheet Mask and there is a review on my Youtube.

So, kali ini yang aku mau review adalah SNP Prep Peptaronic Toner, Ampoule Mask, Tone Up Cream, dan SNP Mini Shea Butter Moisture.

So, these are the products that I will be reviewing: SNP Prep Peptaronic Toner, Ampoule Mask, Tone Up Cream, and SNP Mini Shea Butter Moisture.

Sebenernya series Peptaronic tuh udah hits banget di kalangan per-beauty-an sejak awal launching yaitu Maret 2020. Tapi aku baru bisa berkesempatan untuk nyoba sekarang.

Actually, the Peptaronic series has been very popular among beauty enthusiast since its launch, March 2020. But I just got the chance to try it now.

Dan packaging-nya warna pink gemas banget gitu! Jadi enak aja diliat di rak makeup hahaha…

Look at the packaging! It’s really cute in pink! So it's nice to see it on the makeup rack hahaha ...

Kayaknya ga usah berlama-lama lagi ya, langsung aja kita bahas satu per satu produknya, yuk!

Without any further do, let’s jump into the review!

1. SNP Prep Peptaronic Toner
(320 ml) IDR 180,000

Yang pertama aku notice dari Toner ini adalah wanginya enak banget sumpah. Kayak apel gitu lho, seger banget!

The first thing I notice from this Toner is that it smells really good I swear. Like an apple, you know, really fresh!

Teksturnya emang lebih kental daripada toner lain, tapi tetap gampang menyerap dan ga kerasa lengket di kulit. 

The texture is thicker than other toners, but it's still easy to absorb and doesn't feel sticky on the skin.

Yang aku rasain setelah 14 hari berturut-turut menggunakan Toner ini adalah kulitku jauh lebih lembap dan kenyal gitu. Sukaa banget pokoknya!

What I feel after 14 days using this toner is that my skin is much more moisturized and supple. I really like it!

Ga heran sih, series Peptaronic itu punya:
- 5 lapis Hyaluronic Acid: yang bisa meningkatkan kelembapan kulit secara intensif tanpa lengket.
- 6 jenis Peptides: yang bisa meningkatkan elastisitas kulit dan menyegarkan kulit.

No wonder, the Peptaronic series has:
- 5 types of Hyaluronic Acid: which can increase skin moisture intensively without sticking.
- 6 types of Peptides: which can improve skin elasticity and refresh skin.

2. SNP Prep Peptaronic Ampoule Mask
IDR 16,000

Siapa sih yang ga suka sheet mask? Kalo lagi capek abis kerja seharian (walaupun WFH), sheet mask itu salah satu obat yang ampuh untuk me time.

Who doesn't love sheet masks? If you’re tired after working all day (even though WFH), sheet mask is one of the effective remedies for me time.

Muka berasa lebih seger dan lebih nyenyak tidur. Apalagi setelah pake sheet mask yang satu ini.

The face feels fresh and we can sleeps better, after using this sheet mask.

Aromanya lembut, tekstur sheet mask-nya ga terlalu tipis tapi ga terlalu tebel juga. Pokoknya pas. 

The aroma is soft, the texture of the sheet mask is not too thin but not too thick either. Anyway it fits.

Dan pas banget di fitur muka aku. Kadang kan sheet mask ada yang gede banget di bagian mata atau mulut, nah ini tuh nggak sama sekali!

And it fits perfectly on my facial features. Sometimes the other sheet masks are really big in the eyes or mouth, but this is not at all!

Mengandung 3 marine complex (ekstrak rumput laut, spirulina maxima, ekstrak hizikia fusiforme), jadi terasa banget lembapnya.

Contains 3 marine complexes (seaweed extract, spirulina maxima, hizikia fusiforme extract), so it feels really moist.

SNP Prep Peptaronic Ampoule Mask juga bisa digunain setiap hari, lho!

You can also use SNP Prep Peptaronic Ampoule Mask every day!

3. SNP Prep Peptaronic Tone Up Cream
(100 ml) IDR 180,000

Yang males atau gaada waktu buat makeup, pasti suka pakai Tone Up Cream. Kayak pakai moisturizer biasa aja, tapi bisa bikin muka lebih cerah dan kayak udah makeup gitu, lho!

If you’re too lazy or don't have time to makeup, you have to try this Tone Up Cream. It's like using a basic moisturizer, but it can make your face brighter and look like you already have makeup on!

Tapi tenang aja, ini ga bikin kulit kita keliatan abu-abu, kok. Natural aja gitu hasilnya. Aku sukaa!

But don't worry, this doesn't make our skin look gray. The result is so natural. I like it!

Dia juga mengandung pink kaolin dan shea butter yang berfungsi untuk mengunci kelembapan dan menjaga nutrisi di kulit.

It also contains pink kaolin and shea butter which functions to lock in moisture and maintain nutrients in the skin.

4. SNP Mini Shea Butter Moisture
(25ml) IDR 45,000

Kecil-kecil cabe rawit! Bukan Cuma bisa dipakai di muka, tapi bisa juga dipakai di badan. Caranya, campurin aja sama Body Lotion. Jadi deh, Body Cream yang super duper melembapkan kulit.

Soo gewd I swear! Not only can be used on the face, but can also be used on the body. The trick, just mix it with Body Lotion. So, it’ll be Body Cream which is super duper moisturize the skin.

Aku suka teksturnya unik. Kayak ada butiran-butiran gitu. Aromanya juga enak bangeeet…

I like the unique texture. Like there are scrubs on it. The aroma is so calming too ...

Setelah dipake, efek lainnya selain melembapkan yaitu bikin kulit terasa halus banget tapi ga greasy sama sekali. Jadi pas banget!

After using it, my skin feel really smooth but not greasy at all. Me likey!

Walaupun cahayanya beda, tapi keliatan kalau kulitku lebih lembap, cerah, dan agak glowing gitu. Ini karena dia mengandung:
- Shea butter: mengunci kelembapan dan menutrisi kulit, membuat kulit menjadi lembut dan kenyal
- 3 kinds of moisture locking ingredients (glycerin, trehalose, betaine): menghidrasi dan mengunci kelembapan alami kulit

Though the lighting is different, you can see that my skin seems brighter, smoother, and glowing! Because it contains:

- Shea butter: locks in moisture and nourishes the skin, leaving skin soft and supple

- 3 kinds of moisture locking ingredients (glycerin, trehalose, betaine): hydrates and locks skin's natural moisture

Seri SNP Prep Peptaronic dan SNP Mini diformulasikan untuk semua jenis kulit ya, jadi pastinya aman untuk kalian semua.

SNP Prep Peptaronic series and SNP Mini are formulated for all skin types, so they are definitely safe for all of you.

Buat yang mau tau info lebih lanjut terkait produknya, bisa kunjungi website http://www.snpcos.co.id dan Instagram @snpofficial.id

If you want to know more information about their products, you can visit the website http://www.snpcos.co.id and Instagram @snpofficial.id

Buat sobat mager kayak aku yang lebih suka belanja online juga bisa banget dapetin produk-produknya SNP di:

If you’re prefer to online shopping, you can also get SNP products at:

- Shopee 

Oke deh, mungkin segini aja dulu review aku kali ini. Semoga bermanfaat dan sampai jumpa di postingan selanjutnya! Bye ^^

Okay, I think that’s all. Hopefully useful and see you in the next post! Bye ^^

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